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word blindnesses การใช้

  • Morgan used the term'word blindness,'in 1896.
  • Kussmaul also posited about the origins of alexia ( acquired dyslexia ) also known as word blindness.
  • He believed that word blindness was the result of lesions to the left angular and supramarginal gyri.
  • Hinselwood expanded on'word blindness'to describe the reversing of letters and similar phenomenon in the 1900s.
  • An inability to recognize written words is known as alexia or word blindness, while an inability to recognize familiar faces is known as prosopagnosia.
  • In a monograph entitled " Special Disabilities in learning to read and write " Dearborn contributed a section on " etiology of congenital and word blindness ".
  • In the early years after its discovery, doctors, at a loss to explain how bright young patients could not master the basics of reading, referred to it as " word blindness ."
  • In 1896, W . Pringle Morgan, a British physician, from Seaford, East Sussex published a description of a reading-specific learning disorder in a report to the British Medical Journal titled " Congenital Word Blindness ".
  • These variants of visual agnosia include prosopagnosia ( inability to recognize faces ), pure word blindness ( inability to recognize words, often called " agnosic alexia " or " pure alexia " ), agnosias for colors ( inability to differentiate colors ), agnosias for the environment ( inability to recognize landmarks or difficult with spatial layout of an environment, i . e . topographagnosia ) and simultanagosia ( inability to sort out multiple objects in a visual scene ).